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Sunday, September 1, 2013


Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. ~ Benjamin Franklin
This is so fitting for the majority of those who comment on Syria who have never run for anything, been elected to anything, had to make a life or death decision that would affect millions, are not themselves in harms way, being gassed or bombed with no protection or end in sight save for the hope of intervention by a foreign power whose people so easily say let them be slaughtered because those who are dying are far from their own shores and of no relation to them; those whose judgments and opinions are usually clouded by political leanings and like or dislike of the person or persons faced with the monumentally difficult task of making these decisions.
Of course everyone has a right to his or her opinion and the freedom to speak his or her mind.... well actually those who are being slaughtered usually don't have those rights but that's another topic altogether.
Instead of criticizing, condemning or complaining about what is or isn't being done, provide a thorough statement as to what you would do prefaced by a bit about your own knowledge and expertise. You know, share with the rest of us and your democratically elected leaders what you know that they might not. Offer your wisdom and helpful suggestions. Can't do that? Why? Ah I understand, you criticize, condemn and complain because you really have nothing constructive to offer. Well if this is true, here are two other great quotes that you might want to take to heart:
Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact. ~ George Eliot
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Me? I really have nothing to offer because the choices between doing nothing and doing something are equally difficult and I am not privy to all of the information our elected leaders have. All I know is that people are suffering and dying by the thousands. Someone needs to care and protect the innocent, especially the children. Something needs to be done. What that something is I really don't know and as much as I abhor violence, it appears as thought it will not stop, short of one side or the other being virtually wiped out, unless an outside party intervenes with force. I pray for those who have to make these decisions and pray that they will make them with the utmost care and consideration for the lives that will certainly be lost in order for others to be saved. I don't envy them their task and wish them well, for it is their souls that are at stake.
Before you criticize, condemn and complain answer these questions:

If you were a civilian on the ground in Syria what would you be hoping for?
If you were President of the United States what would you do?