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Sunday, September 1, 2013


Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. ~ Benjamin Franklin
This is so fitting for the majority of those who comment on Syria who have never run for anything, been elected to anything, had to make a life or death decision that would affect millions, are not themselves in harms way, being gassed or bombed with no protection or end in sight save for the hope of intervention by a foreign power whose people so easily say let them be slaughtered because those who are dying are far from their own shores and of no relation to them; those whose judgments and opinions are usually clouded by political leanings and like or dislike of the person or persons faced with the monumentally difficult task of making these decisions.
Of course everyone has a right to his or her opinion and the freedom to speak his or her mind.... well actually those who are being slaughtered usually don't have those rights but that's another topic altogether.
Instead of criticizing, condemning or complaining about what is or isn't being done, provide a thorough statement as to what you would do prefaced by a bit about your own knowledge and expertise. You know, share with the rest of us and your democratically elected leaders what you know that they might not. Offer your wisdom and helpful suggestions. Can't do that? Why? Ah I understand, you criticize, condemn and complain because you really have nothing constructive to offer. Well if this is true, here are two other great quotes that you might want to take to heart:
Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact. ~ George Eliot
It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Me? I really have nothing to offer because the choices between doing nothing and doing something are equally difficult and I am not privy to all of the information our elected leaders have. All I know is that people are suffering and dying by the thousands. Someone needs to care and protect the innocent, especially the children. Something needs to be done. What that something is I really don't know and as much as I abhor violence, it appears as thought it will not stop, short of one side or the other being virtually wiped out, unless an outside party intervenes with force. I pray for those who have to make these decisions and pray that they will make them with the utmost care and consideration for the lives that will certainly be lost in order for others to be saved. I don't envy them their task and wish them well, for it is their souls that are at stake.
Before you criticize, condemn and complain answer these questions:

If you were a civilian on the ground in Syria what would you be hoping for?
If you were President of the United States what would you do?  

Friday, August 23, 2013

Male Candidates Only! Thoughts?

Living in Canada, I might be guilty of sometimes taking our human rights laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against individuals in hiring for granted. That is to say, I never really think about it; it's simple, with very few exceptions, workers in Canada are protected from discrimination based on: 
  • national or ethnic origin, race, ancestry, place of origin, colour; 
  • disability (physical and/or mental);
  • religion, creed, political belief, association;
  • sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy;
  • age (with exceptions for minors and seniors in some cases);
  • marital or family status.
Some jurisdictions even protect workers from discrimination on additional grounds, such as language, social status, or previous convictions for which a pardon has been granted.

Simply put, everyone has a legal right to a fair shot at any job and you better have a damn good (and legally approved) reason for excluding any individual or group. That being said I'm not naive, I know we still have a ways to go since there are those who flout the laws. 

I also know that there are many parts of the world where gender and other forms of discrimination are not illegal, but to see it advertised in print is still a bit shocking to the system, particularly when the available job could clearly be done by either a man or woman. 

The posting below is one that someone attempted to post on my group on LinkedIn. My Canadian sensitivities have caused me to reject it (I don't know if I'm legally required to since the job, the person posting it and the company are in India, but that to me is irrelevant). Knowing very little about laws in India or the part of the country the company is in, I don't know if there is any valid reason for excluding women. There could well be a perfectly legitimate reason that I am not aware of. I'd love to know what others think about this.

Opening for the post of Business Development Executive (Male candidates only) at [company name and location removed].

Qualification: BBA Marketing / MBA Marketing / Marketing Graduates

Job description:

* Internet Marketing
* Online Bidding
* Requirement gathering
* Excellent Verbal and Written Communication Skills

Please send us your resume at [address removed] with below given information.

1. Current company (if applicable)
2. Expected and actual Salary
3. Joining period 
4. Ready to relocate at [location removed]?
5. Ready for 1.6 year bond?
6. Ready to work in night shift?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Killing of Trayvon Martin, A Test Of Faith

Trayvon Martin is gone and nothing that happens now will bring him back, nor do I believe that a guilty verdict would have brought justice. Don’t get me wrong, I'm saddened and sickened by what I believe to be a failure of the justice system, or as some have referred to it, the In-justice system in Florida, but I believe that true justice does not come from courts of law, only punishment (rightly or wrongly), protection (by incarceration or fear of incarceration) and vindication (in cases of the unjustly accused or incarcerated).


Upon hearing the not guilty verdict my emotions briefly ran through the same as many are likely feeling, sadness, anger, outrage and even hate. I was particularly incensed when I saw interviews with George Zimmerman's brother Robert Zimmerman. Not because he is defending his brother, that is something I can easily accept; it is that he admits and clearly agrees with George, that he does not and should not bare any regret, nor can they even acknowledge that George, against all instruction and training to the contrary, wholly instigated the events that led to him taking a life.

At this point Robert Zimmerman should accept the jury verdict of not guilty and be quiet. His seeming arrogance and lack of compassion for Trayvon Martin and his family, are only further fuelling the anger of those who will wish to seek retribution outside of the legal system. It's like pouring salt on a wound and then expecting the wounded not to lash out in response to the pain you've inflicted. 

If Robert Zimmerman is truly concerned for the safety of the Zimmerman family he should shut up, stay off of television, go home and ask God for forgiveness and thank Him that his brother is alive and not spending the next few decades in prison. 

Trayvon Martin is dead. The Martin family and their friends have lost their son, brother, friend. Your brother took a life. Your brother instigated the events that caused him to take a life. Your brother is alive. Your brother is free. How is it that you, your brother and family are the only victims? (Yes I say 'only' because I truly believe that there are always victims on both sides)


I shudder at the thought of people like Don West as part of the 'justice' system. I believe Don West represents much of what might be wrong with the American justice system and, while I will not say that he is a racist, in my heart, and by looking at his own words and actions, I am confident in stating that he is most likely a bigot. 

Defend your client yes, but after your client is found not guilty, remember that there is a dead teen and a grieving family on the other side. 

As he is a lawyer I would think he would respect that 'justice has to be seen to be done' and not have the audacity to call the prosecution of Zimmerman "disgraceful" and to make a statement like "It makes make me sad that it took this long and under these circumstances to finally get justice,". 

You won your case, your client if free, you made a ton of money, so life should be pretty good for you right now. How could you be so callous as to, as stated previously, pour salt on the wound?


Well what about the race issue? Yes, I fully believe that if it were a white teen instead of Trayvon Martin or if it were a black man who had murdered an unarmed teen instead of George Zimmerman things would be very different, but there is no point playing 'what if'. 

It was Trayvon Martin, a black teen, killed by George Zimmerman, a white man, who pursued him. The killer said that he was defending himself. Trayvon could not tell his side of the story because he is dead. George Zimmerman had every reason to lie. It was proven that he did lie. A jury decided that the killing was justified and found the killer not guilty of doing what we all know he did. How is that even possible?

What this tragedy shows us is that the US is still operating within a highly flawed legal system that is stacked so much is the favour of and against individuals based on race when it comes to 'justice'. 

Bigots like Don West can be arrogant, insensitive and crass in their pursuit of 'justice' for their clients because the odds are stacked in their favour. It is the system and those in it that must be attacked (and I DO NOT mean in any physical or violent sense). All members of the system of law and order should be screened to weed out such individuals. 

In my opinion, a bigoted or racist lawyer is at least as dangerous as a racist of bigoted police officer, judge or jury member, regardless of which side they are on. Given how integral they are to the system of 'justice' what psychological screening is there for lawyers anyway?


As for a jury that could not even come to a verdict of manslaughter, I think in our minds we all knew from the beginning, although we held out hope in our hearts for better, that this particular jury, in this particular state, would never convict this man of this crime. The trial was theatre and the verdict was a foregone conclusion once the jury was selected, so no one should be shocked by that. 

Shouldn't it have been as simple as the fact that an unarmed teen, committing no crime was killed by an armed man who instigated a confrontation with him without justification or lawful right that resulted in his death? I get that second degree murder was inappropriate but how can you come to the conclusion that there is no guilt on the part of the killer and that his actions require no punishment whatsoever? You can't, unless you are already biased and disregard fairness, reason and common sense.

The legal battles in the courts of man are not over, the system needs to be changed and action needs to be taken to make it happen. This we know is true. Violence will solve nothing. This we also know is true. Hatred and anger will only consume and harm those who allow it to find a home in their hearts; and the change and coming together as one that the death of Trayvon Martin should bring about will be lost in misery and despair.


George Zimmerman killed an unarmed teenager. Only he Trayvon Martin and God know what truly happened. The rest of us are all guessing. 

Everything I have heard and seen lead me to believe that he should have been convicted of manslaughter. 

A jury found him not guilty so George Zimmerman is not in prison; but George Zimmerman is far from being a free man and will never be so long as he lives.

I wrote this in part because I need it to stop rolling around in my head, but more importantly I wanted to release it. I am a man of faith and I know that God knows the truth of exactly what happened that tragic night. He will judge all involved in this tragedy for their words and their deeds. 

God will judge Trayvon Martin. God will judge the man who took his life. God will judge those who defended him and will continue to do so. God will judge those on the jury. God will judge any who take it upon themselves to try and exact vengeance for Trayvon Martin. God will judge you and I for what is in our hearts and minds.

For the family and friends of Trayvon Martin; for the family and friends of George Zimmerman and George Zimmerman himself; for the supporters on both sides who have faith; your faith is being tested. So having shared my thoughts and feeling a sense of peace, I say to you with love and compassion in my heart, Let Go and Let God.

Romans 12:19 Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God : for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


It may be easy to send a message to a few dozen or a few hundred of your contacts in bulk on LinkedIn (or anywhere else for that matter) but unless those you send it to know you well and respect your correspondence, you're probably killing the messenger and the possibility of any of your messages being read when you do.

Personally, it doesn't matter if you start it with Hi, Hello, Dear Friend, etc. If my name doesn't follow you have less that a one percent chance that I'll read it; and I'm guessing I'm not the only one who treats them that way.