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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In defence, not support, of Rob Ford, Mayor of Toronto

I didn't vote for Rob Ford for Mayor of Toronto in the last election and it's not likely that I will in the next one. I don't particularly have an opinion on the dozens of celebrations that go on in the city each year except to say that I find it particularly distasteful when politicians show up just for photo ops when they could clearly care less about the event itself or it's purpose. To me, better they be unseen and unheard.

I am straight so I will not claim to have any true knowledge of the struggles of the gay and lesbian community; but as a black man, even one living in one of the best countries in the world as far as equality (I hesitate to say the best because I haven't lived in all of the others and don't know anyone who has), I have still both witnessed and experienced first hand my share of prejudice and racism, so at the very least I think my own experience enables me to look at things from a place of compassion and understanding. 

Now that I've hopefully made it clear that I am not anti anything, I simply wish to say that I find the reaction to Rob Ford's decision not to attend the Pride Parade deeply disturbing. I understand that he is the Mayor and I appreciate the desire to have him show his support, however I believe the way some have demonized him is completely wrong.

Equality means fair treatment not special treatment. Some will like & support you while those who don't should simply let you be. No one should purposely stand in your way or try to hold you back but you shouldn't expect everyone to march in your parade either... live and let live as the saying goes. When you demonize those who don't openly support you but do nothing to harm you, you just seem petty and hypocritical. Don't demand equal and fair treatment and freedom of choice then deny the same to others, even those you may have helped elect to public office.