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Friday, August 12, 2011

Astroturfing, the Tea Party and the cure for hope in America

Barack Obama promised change and gave a nation and the world hope that America might finally live up to all of her promises. That hope infected millions and led to him being elected President of The United States of America.

But alas, the Republicans in their unyielding desire to regain power at all costs soon discovered a cure, a hope vaccine.

The cure is called the Tea Party movement and although clearly borne out of racism, in what must be said is one of the best examples of astroturfing, quickly mutated, disguising itself as conservatism and a "grassroots" movement after being adopted by certain commercial enterprises and many in the republican party itself.

Moving rapidly and with the precision on the Gaestapo under the Third Reich, the movement injected itself into the populous using a voracious media as it's delivery system.

So clever is the disguise that many of those who would have benefited from change were quickly cured of hope. As a side effect, some even became delusional, joining the party under the illusion of inclusion.

And now in what could be one of the greatest victories in history of might over right, the Republicans armed with their Tea Party vaccine are poised to turn back the clock and bring America crawling back to her roots as a great nation offering equality and justice (and healthcare) for all who can afford it.